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New Year, New You, New Relationship????


So it’s 2022 and you are evaluating your life as people tend to do at the cusp of a new year – goals will be set, or not, and plans made to achieve them.

Relationships are one of those areas where we often find ourselves discontented.

#Relationshipgoals all over social media lead us to question “Am I with the right person? Am I ever going to meet the right person? What can I do to make my relationship better? “ Very often we look at the other person or lack of other person in our lives as the reason that we are dissatisfied – but how about looking at yourself?

Who, Me?

Maybe the new relationship you should be looking at is your own relationship with yourself and how happy you make yourself. What “rules” are you putting in place, and sometimes in the way of your own happiness, for relationships?

What are your rules? Are they driven by society? By expectation? By what you saw in your parents' relationship growing up?

Once you know your rules - see if they still serve you? If you are in a relationship do you both know the other's rules? As we grow our tolerances and wants change - and the best way to get these recognised is to communicate them. Write your own rule book.

Relationship counselling can help you to identify your rules, figure out which ones you want to keep and whether there are any new rules you want to define. This works either on your own, or as a couple.

Book Tip: Rewriting The Rules; An Anti Self Help Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships.

5 Minute Read:

Book a session to help understand your rules and define those that serve you



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